Sunday, February 21, 2010


the backspace button was used much too often today, everytime i began to type the word 'sanctuary.' santuary.. saunctuary.. sanctary (they are all apparently incorrect)

joey has a strange kind of humor that makes me feel so comfortable, and accustomed. being able to smile when someone calls you an asshole, thats when you can give yourself a pat on the back for developing a rest easy friendship. while talking to him, i was chatting it up with joe sax, my former fellow delegate from the model un conference. i felt a constant fluster and nervousness, trying to keep up with his classical music, novel suggestions and palestinian-news outrage. talk about intimidating.

i have found a new love for brights. bright personalities, clothing, skies, teeth, eyes. i want to be around people who shine out their personalities, no matter what they contain. even if all they want to talk about is classical music and the koran. if it excites you, it makes me smile (even if just on the inside) do you think that maybe it is a subconscious thing, that bright colors attract others? maybe thats why generically, people with white teeth and eyes that sparkle are considered beautiful. so, if you have an equally glowing and exuberant personality, won't others be equally drawn to it? encouragement to all: spill out your personality, it is beautiful! you have nothing to lose!

and i hope that you especially, you little 'hip' girl, know that your brightness comes in so much more than the emerald gleam of your eyes and the straightening, sleek shine of your hair. you are equally as beautiful to the blind, as your warmth love and passion floods the hearts of all who surrounds you. you are a leader- leading those who have closed their hopeless minds- out to a world where everyone gets a second chance. where everyone gets time to tell their story, where everyone can be bright.

song of the day: gracie by ben folds. so much sweetness.

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