Monday, October 19, 2009

Hanging Back WIth the Brooms

She was born on a bright new pew
To a gypsy mother and a bucket of tears
Her good looks could've sailed a ship
But her will alone could've sunk it.

Out of the ordinary things that happened today:
1. I only pressed 'snooze' on my alarm clock once, when the norm is 2 or 3 times. I was ready early! Amazing how that works out.
2. Driving to school, I witnessed an accident! Not really a real one, but some obnoxiously large, nature polluting pick up truck had rear-ended the Coyne car. These are the kind of things that make me content with the fact that I don't have my license.
3. A girl named Shannon almost passed out in my art class first period. She got wheeled away in a wheel chair, and I felt very very sympathetic for her.
4. I ran into Max Baker in the hall today while no one else was around and he told me he was going to the nurse because he had just puked. Gross. I hope Shannon and Max both feel better..
5. Dave got a higher score than I did on our most recent APUSH test and mocked me for it! .. Oh wait, neither of those things are out of the ordinary whatsoever.

Overall, this day gets a thumbs up. Our video project for English is going to be so perfect if we magically add another day in this week where we can all work together to make it. Since when do we not have enough time for school work? Isn't that not suppose to happen?

My back hurts. Shit.

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