Friday, October 23, 2009


I wish this damn blog could talk back because I have so many questions about concepts that seem impossible to grasp. How can something so dangerous, and so deadly, be naturally produced by our own bodies? How the hell is this fair? What do I even say to convey my feelings of support and sorrow, when none of it matters compared to what she is going through? And most importantly WHY is this happening???

I don't even know how to put any of this into words. Fear? Sadness? Grief? They all seem to pale in comparison to the vivacity of these emotions that are currently engulfing the body and mind of myself and my friends. All of the sudden, this has become something so real. Something that has been out of the normal box of thoughts for my brain. It is foreign, and I am completely fumbled and unaware of how to handle these feelings. The only two I can surely identify in the hearts of their family are bravery and hope. For this, I am in utter admiration.

stay strong<3

1 comment:

  1. Is this resolving Emily? I can't seem to stop thinking about it.

