Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sanctuary and Head Lights

Last night we counted 91 mosquito bites on Lauren's body. Half of those mosquitos had entered Jacqui's house, and then proceeded to swarm my head as I slept. Do you know how aggravating it is to hear a dull "Buzzzzzz," around your ear when you are on the brink of falling into a deep, much needed sleep? I am so itchy.

Tonight Bryan and I went to Princeton to kidnap Joey and Emily out of the isolation of their forests. We went to the Corner Grill and had delish as a fish pizza. Tova, the woman who was working there, knew my mom. How do things like these always seem to happen? Seven degrees of separation! After aimlessly wandering around, trying to figure out what could occupy our bored selves, we decided that a cemetery on a thick foggy night is the perfect activity (???)
So, we somehow navigated ourselves through the dirt covered, winding roads of Princeton. I really do love Princeton. Its like an exclusive alcove of our region where the occupants are all intellectual, and the nature flourishes. Its not ruined by ridiculous things, such as THREE separate drugstores. Walgreens dumbasses. Anyways, tonight there was such a connection. We wandered around the eery swamps, forests, and cemeteries and embraced our unspoken appreciation for each other's company. The heavy fog blanket that engulfed us was spattered with tiny speckles of light, illuminating from the fireflies. I would not have been bothered one bit if I had to spend the night right there, frozen in the moment. 

I am leaving for California in two days, and the prospect of another life-changing summer vacation hasn't exactly sunk in yet. I am happy I will get to spend uninterrupted time with my dad and sister, since they have been somewhat absent from my life lately. 

I have so many emotions drowning my body right now. The album of the day is Graceland by Paul Simon. And the song of the day is Blackbird by The Beatles, because someone sings it real nicely!

And she said honey take me dancing
But they ended up by sleeping
In a doorway
By the bodegas and the lights on
Upper broadway
Wearing diamonds on the soles of their shoes. 

1 comment:

  1. i love your description of the field and fireflies.

