Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 5

Today I..
1. .. experienced the most awkward DP of my life in english, and M. Worthy broke out her applause worthy moves. I wish Pheeb was there, then it would have been a real party.
2. .. listened to Sam Something talk about how he makes comic-book zines. He lives with his parents and has $0 to his name, but is content with the fact that he is going to leave something that he contributed to this world, when he dies. He was refreshing. 23 is a very young age to have receding hair lines and a bald crown on your head..
3. .. got my first 25% on a quiz! How exciting. (to the parents who are reading this.. my lowest quiz grade drops. so it was basically, simply a learning experience. we all need those)
4. .. procrastinated a whole lot.
5. .. found out I have a abnormally high belly button. Oh, so special.

mah gah bah.

1 comment:

  1. sam something listening to him talk made me think, err i don't want to be that.

    i'm assuming the 25% is mr guiness math quiz. got a 34% myself. yup yup.

