Monday, December 21, 2009

Or Maybe Not.

Sitting with Erin McGowen at lunch today was one of the brightest parts of the 6 hour school day. There is something special in that girl, and I don't think everyone sees it. Being the foundation is admirable. She is a very active listener too, which I think anyone can appreciate. You're awesome gourl.

Later in that same lunch, I found myself eaves-dropping on a conversation between Emily and Mr. Farrell. It is really unfortunate that I got stuck with such a shitty English teacher last year, when this guy was right down the hall, preaching actual knowledge to his students. Thankfully, I will never in my life have to spend another moment in a classroom with Roberta Lajko. Anyways, Mr. Farrell's ending line to the conversation left me in contemplation for the remainder of the day. "i'll see you guys later, or maybe not" What makes us so certain that we are not lying, when we say 'i'll see you tomorrow!' The thought is kind of morbid, but in reality we can never confirm that statement unless it changes tenses ('i saw you today!') If we thought this way, I have a feeling that the time spent with each other would be savored to a whole new level.

I am loving APUSH more and more with each passing day, and despising grades more and more with each passing hour. I learned so much about the Jazz Age in these past 2 weeks, and tomorrow I am going to be given a numerical judge, which with loudly display my worthiness to be anything of importance in life. Really, grades are bullshit. If I had the courage and determination to stand up with civil disobedience, I would hold a riot to protest the use of grades. Instead I am just going to be tested on how Thoreau did it.

i'm so nervous, i'm so tense
my heart can't forget about it's self defense
the air is so hot and my breath comes fast


  1. i never saw mr. farrel today... :0 !
    and also, i will wholeheartedly join this riot

  2. mrs paquette told us she was always waiting for the day someone refused to do the walden project because of its direct contradiction to the very beliefs of thoreau. someone just had to come up with a well-articulated enough reasoning :)

