Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm Gonna Clean These Veins Again

Just as a ductile lump of play-dough would be, she can be stretched and strung on to a life that she does not belong to. Her mind will trick her, due to desires, attempts, pleads at forming a essential piece to the social puzzle. But no, she has no place here. The heats increase the soft vulnerability of her texture, manipulating, haunting, lying. Where do we go from here?

Okay so- Christmas. There is a lot I don't understand about Christianity. Probably due to the fact that I have been to church once in my life, and I for the most part avoid asking questions. Most people, I find, don't have straight forth answers anyways. Religion, beliefs, traditions, they all vary between each holder. So I guess my questions would more sufficiently be returned with a personal opinion or reply rather than a factual answer. Thoughts and opinions are always more interesting anyways. But I know there is something about being real giving and caring during the time, and that is just sweet and warm. A warm that thaws the bitterness of everything that is ever so slightly destructive inside of us. Resentment, guilt, hate, they don't exist when showered with these gleams of warmth. To put it simply, I really just want to be warm yellow light that pours all over everyone I love.

To everyone who has made me 'discover myself' in the past 78 days, i love you, you are beautiful, and thank you. (That goes to you, reader)

1 comment:

  1. i love you, you are beautiful
    thank you
    (that goes to you emmmmmy)

