Saturday, June 20, 2009

Druggie Parental Upbringing

I absolutely adore my friends. Yesterday they gave me the feeling that Lester Burnham explained at the end of American Beauty when his heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst. I wonder how this happens, and why it gives me the somewhat nauseous feeling, but then "I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain. And I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life."  As previously quoted by all of my fellow concert-goers last night, we felt infinite. 

The adventure started with our splurge of independence. For one reason or another the train feels so liberating. And everything is so photogenic! I really love when I introduce music to someone, and they really listen. Like even listen to the tone of the voices, the lyrics, and the beats of the instruments. While listening to Let Down on the train with Emily Friedman, I knew she was doing this. And it made me so happy because its one of those feelings that you crave to share with someone, and I think she got it! She is great. Arriving in Boston, we sort of struggled with looking like natural Bostonians. Taking excess pictures, holding a map, and actually waiting for the crosswalk sign to turn green gave us the ultimate immature tourist image. But WHAT-EVS, we were way too excited to care one bit. We managed to navigate ourselves from the train station, to Urban Outfitters (vital stop while in Boston), and back to Atlantic Ave which eventually led to the Pavilion...

Nina made it just in time for Andrew Bird's entrance, and when I greeted her we couldn't stop ourselves from jumping up and down like crazy ladies. But- "Who cares? We are never going to see these people again." This became the motto of the night. Emily and I wanted to find a way to share our joy and excitement with the countless hipsters around us. There was one girl who wore her graduation cap and gown, and held a sign that said "I skipped my graduation for Andrew Bird!" For some reason its considered shocking, out of the ordinary, and somewhat creepy to talk to strangers. We wanted to break this boundary between us and our neighbors, so we decided to shout out the simplest thing we could guess about them; their name. As a result, we met Fred, Joe, Ben, Bryan, and Evan. Evan even approached us, instead of just exchanging embarrassed puzzled looks (like Fred, Ben, and Bryan.) Evan was half weirded-out, and half impressed that we obtained this skill. I was primarily impressed.  

ANDREW BIRD IS UNBELIEVABLE. I can't even comprehend how one man can be so talented. Words can't express his music, or his ability to perform, so the only thing I can do is strongly recommend and encourage everyone to listen him. When he ended with Don't Be Scared all I wanted to do is hold the hands of my friends next to me and tell them what beautiful people they are. Concerts like these are deeply inspirational. 

Nina slept over after and I was in one of the best moods I had been in a very long time. Probably comparable to the life-changing raft trip last summer. Anyways, I think a combination of this joyfulness and excess fatigue made for uncontrollable laughter. We were so so happy. 

I feel infinite. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I somehow managed to delete what I just wrote. But it's hard to put into words about last night. Like it really is a highlight of the year for me. And in the future i'll look back on this and smile.

  3. 1. what a wonderful title!
    2. we are amazing dancers, if i do say so myself
    3. I LOVE YOU! and i really listened to your song becuase i love being able to communicate something i feel with music. and then people dont really immerse themselves in the experience of listening, so they dont get it. so i was trying to get it :)
    4. perks of being a wallflower explains yesterday soo perfectly

  4. I saw that girl with the graduation gown too ... And I felt the same way when he played that last song. The whole night created some sort of intangible closeness with everything. I don't think it's explainable. The night was perfect, though, with the sky and the whole atmosphere. I felt the happiest I had in a while after last night too :)

