Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Let Me Go On

Phoebe has been blogging now for five months and 15 days. Her blog has almost become part of the family, as we even have a cutesy nickname for it, 'POTD.' Lately, I realize that I label things in my day as "blog worthy" even though I didn't even have a blog of my own. I guess its about time I document all of these insignificant (in the long run) details of my life.

The majority of my morning was sub-par. I got scolded in gym class for not knowing how to tag up. How am I suppose to know what that is? Its not like Ms. Burton taught us the rules or anything. My back is getting progressively worse, which is totally contrary to what everyone is telling me should be happening. The shooting bolt of pain that exploded up my spine while I was taking my bio test made me feel like I was going to faint. Mary had to walk me to the nurse, and there I got to lay down and eat crackers. I continued the rest of my day as if nothing had happened, and only told a select few about my somewhat embarrassing episode. I guess if you are reading this you are one of the select few. 

I also had my last art long block, which was sentimental and too short. Two things made this a particularly enjoyable class: 1) Chris Coyne was playing his saxophone in the  room next door.  This is my second day in a row discovering that Chris Coyne is overwhelmingly talented,  how intimidating. And 2) My charcoal-drawn self portrait is turning out a lot better than I originally expected it to. In fact, everyone in the class has a portrait that is surprisingly close  in resemblance to their own appearance. This made me really proud.

After school I went to Elm Park and ate Cheez-Its and drank Arizona Iced Tea. I have had several events in the past couple of weeks that have led me into a summer mode, but I unfortunately am not allowed to be in this mode yet. Today though, I accepted it. Because school is almost over and this afternoon's fun was too great to ignore. 

Phoebe got mad at me again for wearing her clothes without asking. I really am going to stop doing this, because I feel like I am throwing away valuable time with her when we fight. 

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