Saturday, June 20, 2009

Stinky Cheese Man

The bearers of all good things arrive
climb inside us, twist and cry
a kiss on your molten eyes.
Once again, I have found myself in this entrapment of not being able to force myself into studying. It just makes me want to release this soft whimpering sound, that says "Ahh don't think about what you should be doing right now.. because thats boring. Avoid. Work." All of my friends have seem to overcome this. Maybe my dawning moment will come tomorrow, where I suddenly have all the motivation in the world. Maybe. 

This morning Nina and I decided to be gems and get Bryan a donut while we were at Dunkin. He told us that he was mowing the lawn.. conveniently leaving out the small detail that he was not mowing his own easy access lawn, but instead someone's lawn 15 miles away in Paxton. So, being the geniuses we are, decided it was an extremely clever solution to wrap up the donut in napkins and leave it on Bryan's lawn. When we finally arrive back at my house, Bryan reminds us of the fact that dogs eating chocolate is often fatal. Bolt. We managed to make it back down to his house (on our bikes with impossibly deflated tires) before Lucky found it, success! We were so proud of ourselves! ..until I saw a single ant crawling across the napkin covering the donut. And then another. And then an entire cluster feasting on the sugar coated fried dough. The next few minutes consisted of screaming, frantic running in circles, and chucking the donut behind a tree. It was a noble effort, but Bryan never got a donut this morning. 

I babysat this evening and read a book called the Stinky Cheese Man, where the re-ocurring line read "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Stinky Cheese Man!" He ended up drowning to death, because he smelled so bad, that the fox who was carrying him across the river dropped him. I really felt bad for this fictional SCM. What an awful thing to do - let someone drown, for the soul reason that they are stinky. Shallow fox.



  1. shout out Shout Out SHOUT OUT

    Bagpipes. and I've totally read that story before... back in the d.

